Savor the Flavor: Red Meat Lovers Club Cigar Goes National in 2023
In 2019, the celebrated Steve Saka of Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust crafted a special cigar for a select group known as The Red Meat Lovers Club. This exclusive cigar initially made its debut at the South Florida retailer, Smoke Inn, as part of their prestigious MicroBlend Series. Over time, various sizes were introduced, all exclusively available at Smoke Inn. However, there's exciting news for cigar aficionados and meat enthusiasts alike - The Red Meat Lovers Club cigar is going national, with the official launch set for the 2023 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show.
Purchase a Red Meat Lovers cigar today as well as other cigars by Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust
The Blend That Delights One of the standout features of the Red Meat Lovers Club cigar is its exceptional blend. This cigar is meticulously crafted with a Connecticut-grown broadleaf wrapper, a Mexican San Andrés Negro binder, and fillers sourced from the lush tobacco fields of Nicaragua and Pennsylvania. The fusion of these premium tobaccos creates a cigar that's sure to tantalize your taste buds with a unique and rich flavor profile.
Production in the Heart of Estelí The entire Red Meat Lovers Club cigar line is produced at Nicaragua American Cigars S.A. (NACSA) in Estelí, a region known for its expertise in crafting some of the world's finest cigars. The skilled artisans at NACSA bring together their passion and experience to ensure that every Red Meat Lovers Club cigar meets the highest standards of quality and flavor.
A Selection of Four Distinct Sizes The Red Meat Lovers Club cigar will be available in four distinct sizes, bringing back two of the original Smoke Inn offerings while introducing two new sizes into the mix. Notably, the original 2019 size will not be a part of the national release, making these cigars all the more exclusive.
1. Beef Stick (Parejo, 2022 release) - 6 x 48
- This cigar promises a robust and satisfying smoke that pairs excellently with your favorite beef dishes.
2. Ribeye (Previously the Meat Box Pressed offering, 2020 release) - 6 x 52 Prensado
- With its refined Prensado finish, the Ribeye promises a delightful smoking experience that's reminiscent of a juicy steak dinner.
3. Filet Mignon (New Vitola) - 5 x 54 Prensado
- The Filet Mignon offers a unique and flavorful smoke in a size that's just right.
4. Porterhouse (New Vitola) - 6 x 60 Prensado
- The Porterhouse, presents a rich and satisfying smoking experience in a larger format.
All four sizes will be packaged in ten-count boxes, making it easier for you to enjoy them at your leisure.
Get ready to elevate your dining experience with the Red Meat Lovers Club cigar. Whether you're a seasoned cigar connoisseur or a steak enthusiast looking for the perfect pairing, these cigars are bound to tantalize your taste buds and add a dash of luxury to your evening.